Exciting Announcement: ClassEquity is Now ClassBank!

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The ClassBank Team
4 minute read

As you may have heard, ClassEquity has been going through an extensive rebrand process, (thanks to feedback from supporters like you!), and we’re thrilled to announce that ClassEquity is now officially ClassBank!

New Name, Same Mission

Throughout the year, we gathered input from educators, school leaders, and district leaders to find the best way to represent our mission and values. With the guidance of our community, we chose the name ClassBank. Our new name serves as a clear and visual representation of what we do—provide an online banking system for classroom and school dollars—enabling hands-on financial literacy learning for students while making positive reinforcement easier for teachers and schools.

While our name and logo are getting a fresh look, our mission and dedication to providing exceptional educational tools remain unchanged. ClassBank will continue to offer the same great platform you've come to know and love, supporting teachers and students in fostering financial literacy through real-life experience, and a strong culture across classroom and school communities.  

Seamless Transition

We want to assure you that this rebrand will be seamless for all of our users. Here’s what you need to know:

  • No Changes to Your Experience: All features, functionalities, and your account details will remain the same. You will continue to enjoy the same user-friendly experience without any disruptions.
  • New URL: Please update your bookmarks as our website has moved to a new URL at www.ClassBank.com. Although our online address has changed, don't worry—if you visit the old website, you'll be automatically redirected to our new online home at ClassBank.com.
  • New Social Handles: If you don’t already, make sure to follow us on our socials @MyClassBank. Our existing accounts will automatically roll over to the new name, so no action needed if you already follow us!

Behind the Scenes Look at Our New Logo - A Note from our Designer

Switching from ClassEquity to ClassBank is a strategic move to better reflect our core focus on financial literacy and community engagement within the educational system. So, we took inspiration from this dual value proposition, mainly from the word "bank," which directly emphasizes our commitment to financial education, making our mission even clearer and more accessible. Our redesigned logo encapsulates this shift: a combination of several elements that, together, tell the story of who ClassBank is and what we aim to achieve.

  1. C and B initials: The initials of ClassBank are integrated into the logo. This keeps the brand identity front and center, making it easily recognizable and memorable.
  2. Infinity Loop: The C and B are designed to form an infinity loop symbol. This symbolizes the continuous flow and circulation of money, underscoring the perpetual learning and growth they promote in financial literacy.
  3. Circles of the C and B: The circular parts of the letters represent the community and the vital engagement between students and teachers. It's a nod to the collaborative spirit ClassBank fosters in educational settings.
  4. Coin Shape: We retained the overall coin shape of the previous logo. This not only highlights our focus on financial education, but also pays homage to our original logo. It connects the past with the present, showing evolution, while honoring our roots.

Every element of the new logo is carefully chosen to reflect the dual value propositions of ClassBank: financial literacy and community engagement. We now have a logo that resonates more with our current audience and clearly communicates our goals.

– Runy Pswarayi, Creative Director

We’re Here for You

We understand that change can bring questions, and our team is here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to us at hello@classbank.com.

Thank you for being a valued member of our community and for your continued support. We are excited about this new journey and look forward to empowering even more students and teachers with ClassBank!

– Abby, Katie, and the ClassBank Team