Teaching Life Skills and the Value of Hard Work with RoseMary S.

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RoseMary S., Abby Coyle
4 minute read

RoseMary S. teaches 6th grade inclusion math and science. She is in her 15th year of teaching, all in her hometown of Havelock, NC.

This year, RoseMary's team wanted to implement a Classroom Economy system to incorporate real world learning into their classrooms. They started with paper money and a system from another program, however RoseMary wanted to find something easier to keep up with that would still keep the students accountable for their actions and money, which led her to ClassBank (formerly ClassEquity)!

I want my students to learn the value of a dollar and the value of hard work. I want them to see that life does not just hand you everything. You have to work for it. 

What do you like best about ClassBank (formerly ClassEquity)?

ClassBank (formerly ClassEquity) works wonderfully for many reasons. It allows the students to learn life skills, like filling out job applications, keeping a budget, withdrawing and depositing money and most importantly, making good decisions to earn money. I want my student to learn the value of a dollar and the value of hard work. I want them to see that life does not just hand you everything. You have to work for it. Teaching inclusion, I also thought this may be a bit easier for those students who need to visually see everything in one place.

What has the student response been?

My students have loved the online feature of this program, wanting to help more to earn money and not just be given money. They ask if there is anything they can do for each other, for me and for the class in general. I have seen them become more responsible due to having class jobs. We have an auction once a month and they use the money they have earned to bid and win items that they have worked so hard to earn. 

I have had multiple students ask me if they could come up with jobs to add, survey the other students for items they would like to see in our class store or class auction. I love the ownership they have gained for their classroom and each other because of this program!

"Material Managers" helping to organize and set up stations for class

Do you have any tips for other teachers or schools hoping to implement ClassBank (formerly ClassEquity)?

I would say the biggest tip I have for ClassBank (formerly ClassEquity) would be to stay on top of all of the features it offers. The students apply for jobs, place online orders from the class store, earn bonuses, and receive fines if they do not make the best choice. If students see that you are not consistent with the features, they do not buy into the program. It is a daily task for myself to stay on top of it but it quickly became a habit and I love to work on it every day!

What are you most excited about in 2022?

In 2022, I am most excited to see my students continue to grow with their responsibilities, helping and learning together and for me to continue to mold them into lifelong learners and responsible young adults!

Interested in learning more? Send us an email at hello@classbank.com - we'd love to chat!

Want to hear from other teachers? Check out how Keali is using ClassBank to turn her classroom into a wizarding world!